Saturday, November 29, 2014

Issue 12

I have been getting quite a bit done on issue 12 the past week.  As much as I could with Thanksgiving, and relatives coming.  I am getting back into the swing, still trying to find the balance between the next issue and other prints, painting, and Christmas commissions.

But most importantly I am drawing and working.  The obsession is still at work.  The comics and the art still lighten my mind, which gets so dark these days.  Not a lot is going smoothly these days, but when I sit at my drawing table it feels like it is.

Very good news (and something else that makes me happy), my 20th anniversary is coming in the next few weeks.  My wife is always what keeps me going through everything.  Sometimes it is surprising it has been 20 years, but sometimes it is surprising that there was anything before her.

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