Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Trick or Treat

For Halloween I am posting the cover to issue 6, my Trick or Treat cover.  Have a happy Halloween

Monday, October 28, 2013

Upcoming shows and progress on issue 10

Saturday Nov 2nd I will be appearing at the Roanoke Valley Comicon.  I have been there several times before, and had some very good shows there.  I am using the trip as an opportunity to stop by and see my mother this weekend as well.  So I will be on the road this weekend, and loving it.  I have not been to many shows this year, but my new work schedule has opened up a lot of new chances.  By the end of the year I will be doing four more shows, which is as many as I have gotten to do for the first 10 months this year.

I have a lot of new stuff to take with me, and more I hope to finish before NCComicon on Nov 9th and 10th.

Moving forward with issue 10, almost half inked. When I put down the 12th page (out of 24) to begin inking I thought to myself "HUMP PAGE!" and snickered.  It was late, so to me that was funny.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Roanoke, and NC Comicon

I have a table at the Roanoke Comicon on Nov 2nd. I haven't been to that show in quite a while, and it is always a good one, so I am excited.  OK, I haven't been to any show in quite a while, so I am just excited to be going anywhere and display my work.

The weekend after that I will be at NC Comicon (Nov 9 and 10), and that was an amazing show last year, so I am looking forward to that as well.  I will also be set up with Stacy and Jason and their artistic creations and costume pieces.

It has been a long time since I've gone to a show, but my new work schedule looks to be opening up a lot more opportunities.

Work on issue 10 and the continuation of the Bootooth Saga is underway.  I have several pages inked and moving along at a good pace these days.  But when I am finished I will have to address the scanner problem ($#!&%^%$#).  Not sure what will be the solution.

Friday, October 18, 2013

New Video

Here is the video previewing art from The Journey of Brave Ulysses.  Check it out!  Spread it around.

The Journey of Brave Ulysses
So here is the link for The Journey of Brave Ulysses, available on indyplanet.  Be sure to follow the link, because their search feature won't find it.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Started my new job yesterday; I have that "In over my head" feeling, but I think I always have that these days.

Still no scanner.  Still no daily sketches to post (I have dozens of them, just can't post them).  I am making progress on issue 10 (currently inking).

I have shows I am hoping to attend, the next solid date I have is NCComicon.  That has been a great show in the past and it is really expanding.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Family portrait commission

A friend that I play Heroclix with on Thursday nights (who has the entire set of iNTERMEZZO, you should try it) commissioned me to paint him, his wife, and their five kids as the Avengers.  Each of them picked what characters they wanted to be and I drew, inked, and painted a 2 foot by 3 foot family portrait.  I delivered the original before posting this, so he got to see it first.  Here are the inked, and painted versions.

Monday, October 7, 2013

What if Superheroes Behaved like Politicains?

Its a pic of a sketch instead of a scan (the scanner is still the bane of my existence) so it is a little hard to read.

"We would love to stop the Masters of Evil, but we have Shut Down the Avengers until we decide if our battlecry will be AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! OR AVENGERS UP AND AT 'EM!"

This is the second in what may become a series of this idea.  Here was the first...

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Random update

Still no scanner ($#!**@^*!!!).

Getting closer to finishing a family portrait commission.

Spent the night carving pumpkins.  Pics to follow soon.

Also working on the inks for issue 10.

I will be starting my new job in 2 weeks, nervous as all get out.

ummm... that's about it.