Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Plugging away...

I am currently working on
a)issue #6,
b)stories for my next project "Dyslexic Cosmic" as well as finding artists,
and c) yet another so far unnamed project (I don't want to get ahead of myself and i will wait to make an actual announcement later- suffice it to say that it makes my little geek heart flutter).

I have a few conventions planned; I'll be back in Charlotte for the next Charlotte Comicon on Aug 1st, then I will be going to Baltimore Comicon on Aug 28th and 29th.

I really need to take the time and come up with ways to advertise. I've met a lot of people doing cons, but I need to broaden my horizons. I will try to find ways to draw attention to myself and my comics that does not involve getting arrested (or me wearing spandex, no one needs to see that)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

New Pictures!

I've just added some pictures to my Flickr page on Fanaticon. Asheville was a great trip and Fanaticon was a great convention.
One of the best things about our trip to Asheville was the fact that my wife Wendy went with me. It was the first con we went to together and it was wonderful. While I was at the table all day, she went around taking pictures. But, you may be able to see her artistic difference if you look closely.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Went to Heroescon this weekend. Had a great time, sold some stuff, met some nice people, the usual. Had several people who remembered me from last year, which was really cool.

I am working on a side project to add to the Bear Butt Line. I am looking for some artists to help out with that. I hope that someone who is looking for a chance to get in print and expand their portfolio will like to get involved with this project. If you fit the bill, drop me an e-mail and we'll go into the details. Talked to a couple people about it in Charlotte, some possibilities.