Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Heroescon 2016- the Post Show Post

Charlotte.  Heroescon.  Big.  Tired.  Good.

That just about covers it.

But really, always a good show to go and see and marvel at it all.  I had a good show, one of the best Heroescon's I've had.  And when the room is that big, and there is so much to see, it is hard to get noticed.  I am very appreciative to those who noticed me, and decided to buy a print or comic.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Heroescon is here!

Ok, it is not here yet, but it is this weekend (so if you're reading this and it is Friday June 17th, Saturday June 18th, or Sunday June 19th, then HEROESCON IS HERE!)

I have lots of new stuff.  Issue 13 of Intermezzo, and my new comic Quirkyworks #1.  I have several new prints, sketches and for the first time (for me at least) sketch cover comics.

Walk up to my table and say the secret phrase and win a prize.

That phrase is "Some people call me a Space Cowboy."

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Heroescon is this weekend.  I have new comics (Intermezzo issue 13 and QuirkyWorks #1), new prints (funny stuff), sketches, and for the first time I have sketch cover comics for sale.
Several of my artist friends have been recommending I give them a try and I have 3 completed for this weekend, turned out pretty good.

Looking forward to this one, its a biggie.