Friday, January 31, 2014

Snowed in

We have enough snow to keep us in at night, when the roads can be icy and treacherous, but not enough to keep me home from work (sigh).

This weekend I will be celebrating my wife's birthday, finishing inking page 21 of 24 from issue 10, hopefully moving on to the last three pages, and helping build a set for To Kill a Mockingbird.

Sounds pretty busy. Then there is arranging cons, I need to do that too.

Oh yeah, some people have mentioned this SuperBowl thing. That doesn't make my list of things to do, I'd rather be drawing.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Charlotte "Mini" Con

Ok first of all, let me just get this straight... The people in charge of this show (Shelton Drum of Heroes Are Hard to Find and his staff) are lying to you and me.  They called this a MINI Con, and that is a bold face lie. This was huge, it was a big, full space of dealers that covered a gym floor, and stretched out into the hallways and completely filled the upstairs as well.

I show up thinking it was a MiniCon and we get wall to wall people all day long and a place so big that is stuffed full of people and dealers that I didn't have the time to look around at all.

I had a great show, talked with a lot of people (some I knew, and some I didn't), sold some prints and some comics. I came out of there just completely exhausted.  This, plus the last few other shows I have done in Charlotte have really made me a fan of that town.  People I recognize from other shows, and people who recognize me is a regular happening. 

I love getting the time to go to a comic book show and this one, really charged me up for the next one, wherever that may be (more to come on that).

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Charlotte Minicon Jan 25th

This Friday I will attend the Charlotte Minicon, a one day show in (of course) Charlotte.  I haven't done this one before, but the guest list is looking very impressive (its run by the same people who put on Heroescon).  And Charlotte is always a good place to go, and I meet people from other shows in the area who will actually remember me (which is cool).

Hopefully I will post more on this before the show, if not I will put a post show update.

Winter was better when I was a kid.

We have (for the first time in several years) a good snow in North Carolina. Schools closed before the first flake fell.  There are 2-3 inches of snow in my yard and I... have to go to work.  I was hoping to get a call saying we were closed too, and that I could stay home and ink the last few pages of issue 10.  But no.

Being a responsible adult sucks.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

One Day convention at the North Wilkesboro Library

I had to say that I had my hopes set a little low for this show. It was the first one they were putting on, it was inside of a Library, first time I've been to Wilkesboro... Just stuff.

It was a small room, but it was a small room with only one comic dealer and the rest of us were artists.  The crowd was small but friendly and really interested in what you have to say.  You had walk in traffic from the library,  and they were interested too.  The crowd was fairly small, but they stayed longer and were really involved with the show.  Yes it was their first show, but they were eager for it.  So it wasn't the best one day show ever, or anything like that, but it was a good fun place to be, and I think they are laying the foundation for something to grow. I was glad to be there (of course I am always glad to be at a comic book show)

I got to see some familiar faces from the Winston Salem area; Jay and Eddie, Bobby and Suzanne, and Denis who put the show together. And met some new people.

All that, and I am home with two more days of this weekend, so that is fantastic.

Next weekend, I am going to the Charlotte Minicon, which is organized by Heroes aren't hard to find, which puts together Heroescon every year. I've wanted to do one of their smaller shows for a while, but this is the first one I have managed to clear.  I've been to Charlotte a lot, so it has a familiar feel to it.