Sunday, November 20, 2011


Did a show in Jacksonville, NC that went pretty well. Not great for me but just ok. It wasn't as much as a comic show as it was a gaming event with venders set up. It was fun being set up around some friends and we had a good day, but that was a long drive.

My next show is in Charlotte on Dec 18th. Haven't been to this show in a while, hoping it will go well again.

On a completely unrelated note, i am really bummed out about Batman, The Brave and the Bold being cancelled. I thought it was such a fun show and will really miss it. But it had a great ending, so creative.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


NCComicon was a great show. I enjoyed it and met a lot of people. Had some great conversations with Budd Root and Waki (John Wycough) and some new people around my table, as well as people who stopped by my table to check out my work.

The big thing i am struggling with right now is some carpul tunnel like symptoms which is hampering my ability to draw. Thats a bummer, but my dr. has me on some medicine and i am wearing a brace that helps. I hope to get to get to a point that I can get into a regular routine for drawing again soon.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Here's my trading cards. Very excited about this.

NC Comicon is coming up this weekend. Check them out there. Looking forward to that show. Say the phrase "The Funk of forty thousand years" and get a prize.